
Arnon Weinberg

Work status: Retired as of 2019 – interested in volunteer work.
Interests: Cognitive Science, computer programming.

My name is Arnon, and I am now retired from a career of over 20 years in computer programming, team leadership, project management, operations management, and technical consulting.

I have always been interested in science, particularly cognitive science, and hope to use my retirement to give something back to the world by volunteering my time to do science work – research in a lab, private R&D, hacklab projects, whatever opportunities might present themselves.

In 2014, I joined the cognitive science stack – an online community that is part of the Stack Exchange network that includes Stack Overflow, Cross-Validated, Server Fault, and many other well-known Q&A-style forums.  The cognitive science (now psychology) stack focuses on questions related to psychology, neuroscience, philosophy of mind, linguistics, and other related topics.

I quickly became the 3rd-highest ranked contributor on the site, and in 2018, I was elected moderator.  I volunteer my time doing literature reviews on areas of cognitive science that interest me, answer user questions, and help administer the site.  Peruse my profile to get an idea of my writing style, areas of interest, and breadth of knowledge.

In 2019, I started working part-time as a volunteer research assistant at a cognitive neuroscience lab at Ryerson University in Toronto.  I helped run an experiment, perform data validation and analysis, MATLAB and Python scripting, administering EEG (for FFR) on subjects, and other miscellaneous tasks to help out from time to time.

In 2020, I joined the Memory and Decision-making (MAD) lab at Ryerson University in Toronto as a volunteer research assistant.  I primarily helped them with PsychoPy programming for online experiments (eg, IVA I, IVA II) using PsychoJS/Pavlovia and Javascript.  I also participate on the PsychoPy Discourse forum.

Also in 2020, I signed on to help a PhD student at Toronto Metropolitan University with a social psychology experiment in group polarization.  I am involved in experiment design, literature reviews, administration, and data analysis, among other duties.  In 2021, I took on the role of lab manager for the Freestyle Labs, with the additional duties of managing other volunteers, meetings, tracking action items, and documentation.

My personal blog contains my writing on introspection – an area of particular interest for me.  This article summarizes information from a wide variety of areas within cognitive and social psychology, such as decision-making, confabulation, metacognition, and rationalization.

Check out my machine learning projects and science articles as well.


  • H.BSc. from the University of Toronto, majoring in Psychology and Computer Science (1997).
  • Awarded the Winifred Florence Hughes Scholarship, 1995
  • Awarded the Rhea V. Scott Scholarship, 1996
  • Achieved standings in the Dean’s List, 1995-1997
  • Final GPA of 3.55 out of 4.00 (‘A-’)
  • Additional credits in 2 graduate level courses from the Computer Science Graduate School of the University of Toronto (1997/1998)
  • MBA from York University, specializing in Management Information Systems (2003).

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3 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Arnon,

    I just stumbled on your annotated 1893 Barclays chromolithograph, which is fantastic and I shared it with my class, who are currently mapping the history of the Port Lands and Villiers Island. Thank you for this great resource!


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